ищу саунтдреки к фильмам "Ворон" (The Crow) и "Интервью с вампиром"


вот список песен к фильму "Ворон"

* Burn - The Cure

* Golgotha Tenement Blues - Machines of Loving Grace

* Big Empty - Stone Temple Pilots

* Color Me Once - Violent Femmes

* Dead Souls - Nine Inch Nails

* Darkness - Rage Against the Machine

* Snakedriver - The Jesus and Mary Chain

* Time Baby III - Medicine

* After the Flesh - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult

* Milktoast - Helmet

* Ghostrider - Rollins Band

* Slip Slide Melting - For Love Not Lisa

* The Badge - Pantera

* It Can't Rain All the Time - Jane Siberry